Yesterday was Josh's Sports Day. As with all Sports Days comes the Mothers race and the pressure is on. The little nursery school has grown quite a bit so we split ourselves into two groups. There I was eyeing out the competition (LOL), in which group do I stand a better chance of not looking like quite the idiot. Not being a 'Yummy Mummy' myself, I opted for the more down to earth group of moms. Our race was the second group. Off we went with our teeny potatoes and spoons - next thing I knew I was coming tie first with another mom. The thoughts that went through my head before, during and after.......
* You can do this.
* Attending gym doesn't mean that you have to prove anything.
* Coming first from the back is just as fun as coming in well first. LOL
* Nobody is watching to see if you fall on your face, okay, well maybe hubby is - he has the camera. He's watching you either way.
* Just take it one step at a time.
* It's only a Egg and Spoon race - what's wrong with you woman. :D
* Where are the other moms - they're behind me...WTF!! I'm doing this....
* A little more speed and another mom and I come in tie for first place.
* Woohoo, I did it - I won.
* Take a hold of yourself woman - it's only an egg and spoon race.
I love the conversations I have with myself, they can be - uhhhhm - entertaining. LOL
Yesterday I mentioned to Nikki, the owner of the Nursery School that I was going to be doing the 94.7 Km Cycle Challenge. She was very supportive and had some great advise as she has done it before. I now worry about my poor butt. I seriousley need to work on getting it a wee bit smaller. LOL Later on in the day at gym I bumped into an ex colleague of my hubby's - I tend to avoid his work colleagues, ex or not. LOL What can I say I live in a clam shell of shyness. Here she was striking a conversation with me....once again the voices in my brain working overtime....
* Is she calling me - seriousley
* We've never said more that two words to each other prior
* She's actually being friendly
* You can do's just another woman - What's wrong with you???
I think the moment of me being totally gobsmacked was when she said that she had just been talking about me during the day. I'm like WTF - why me, what conversation and more importantly with who. LOL. Turns out it was with a friend of mine - Lisa. Hubby also used to work with Lisa but Lisa and I built a friendship which floundered and of late we've been chatting again. Lisa also goes to the same gym. Apparently lots of people I know do. LOL
This same week April (Personal Trainer and Life Coach too) - had stated quite categorically that it was time to get out of my clam shell. Heck, I love my shell sometimes. They're, well, they're very protective. :D I heard the words - Michelle, you need to open yourself up to friendship. You need to meet people.....yeah, yeah..... Apparently the universe is listening - I think. Besides I do have friends - they're all in my computer. :D
I discovered another person (ex-colleague mentioned above) who is also doing the 94.7km Cycle challenge and whose immediate response was - You can do it!! Not sure what I am going to do when someone says that I can't. Actually I expect that to come from family - sad - huh!!