“When you believe in yourself, the possibilities are endless..."
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It was sinful, it was evil but OH was it YUMMY!!
Getting back on track today was not a problem and I'm back on plan!! woohoooo... It took a few days but hey - I'm loving me!!
It was a bad week as far as sticking to plan goes - I could give a million and zillion excuses like the weather (we had winter days - brrrrrrrrr), or not planning properly or, or, or.....
I found myself in a bit of a hole. For months I had been working, training and planning for the 94.7, it was my main focus. Big Mistake!! Come Monday I was 'well what now' and feeling lost and directionless!! By Wednesday I was kicking myself thinking if only I had pushed myself further I could have finished the race...if only, if only, if only. Not good either!! By Friday I had found my next big race but with a promise to approach it differently and not make it my one and only point of focus. But I have set a goal for myself. I want to be 10kg's lighter - I know if I am strict with myself this goal is achievable.
I have missed gym and I'll be heading back and focusing again on some strength training, yoga and rowing. I'm also hoping my schedule will allow some Belly Dancing once a week. Zumba, sadly is not what it used to be - only in SA could the instructors lose the plot and ruin it.
The weather has cleared up and hopefully summer has returned - I'm sure we'll be groaning about the heat soon enough. My body is healing - less aches and pains - yoga really helped on Friday but it was also a gentle reminder that I need to stretch and far more regularly. I have not been good with that and with all my cycling it needs to be priority. This week I'll be back on my bike - yippeeeeee!!
Have a super week everyone!!
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